Fun at Work

Workplace Fun, Dog, Computer

Typically fun and work can sometimes be perceived as an oxymoron, instead of a therapeutic medium. Having fun at work does not insinuate we are goofing off or are nonproductive. Keeping the workplace environment rooted in an enjoyable culture can lead to renewed energy, increased contributions of imagination, creativity, innovation, and healthier attitudes within our workforce.

Enjoy what you do, no matter how menial of a task you may think it is. Your work is important to the overall picture. Look at your contributions as being valuable, because they are.

It’s okay to be goofy at times. You don’t have to be so wound up and serious all the time, in order to take your work seriously. It really ain’t that deep, as you make it out to be.

Add an element of tranquility, a little Zen to calm your spiritual juices when needed.

Put a funny, lighthearted cartoon up or some cheery quotes in your range of sight, whether in your cubicle or office space. Don’t let it be one that mocks, humiliates or insults others because it is motivated by undercurrents of “isms.” Keep your humor clean.

People need not dread coming to work because of a hostile work environment. Turn the tides and add some fun elements to help you and your team remain efficient, happy, healthy and productive.